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Fantasy and the Tarot

We know that Tarot had begun as a closed esoteric divination system. But, in the middle of XX century, the situation has started to change – from Tarot as an esoteric phenomenon to Tarot as a global phenomenon. In 1959, University Books began printing the Waite-Smith deck and Waite’s book “The Pictorial Key to Tarot” , making them more accessible to the public. Then in 1960 Eden Gray published her first book, “Tarot Revealed: A Modern Guide to Reading the Tarot Cards” . Gray’s book with its simple instructions became the template for future how-to-read-tarot books. Thanks to that Tarot became more available and understandable for an ordinary reader. Around the same time have appeared “Art Tarot” decks painted not only as a piece of art but as an addition to certain novels. Fantasy, magical realism and mystical novels contain new ideas about Tarot. Tarot as both an idea and a system gives fantasy writers new field to reflection and new methods to organize the novel. In that pres...